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and now you can be cool too
These educational offerings have been generated by Albert Bates and revenues go to his support and to produce many more like these in the future. Because of international restrictions, we are not able to link directly to a bookseller, so please patronize your local merchants to find these items. Thank you for your support!

Burn: Igniting a New Carbon Economy to End the Climate Crisis (2020)

Burn: Using Fire to Cool the Earth (2018)

Plagued: Surviving a Modern Pandemic (2020)

Transforming Plastic (2019)

Taming Plastic: Stop the Pollution (for middle schoolers, 2020)
Dark Side of the Ocean (2020)
Making Waves: Saving Our Ocean (for middle schoolers, 2021)
The Biochar Solution: Carbon Farming and Climate Change (2010)

The Post Petroleum Survival Guide and Cookbook (2006)
Pour Evian on Your Radishes (2015)
Financial Collapse Survival Guide (2015)
Voices from The Farm (2012)

Climate in Crisis (1989)
The Y2K Survival Guide (1999)
Shutdown: Nuclear Power on Trial (1979)
Honicker vs Hendrie : A Lawsuit to End Atomic Power (1978)

The Farm Vegetarian Cookbook (1975)
The Grass Case (1973)
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